5 Valuable Tips to Attract Jewellery Retailers
How can you sell jewellery in wholesale in UK stores if you only offer silver pieces? It’s quite a tough karat to crack. You need a brilliant marketing plan and kickass salespersons to accomplish this. This is also beside the fact that the competition is intense. It is not enough that you’re armed with an exceptional elevator pitch and oozing charm.
Do you want to increase your client portfolio and fatten up your sales? Read the tips below that are so effective you can solely dedicate yourself as a vendor of wholesale silver jewellery in the UK:
Give away freebies
Yes, what you’ve read is not a typo. This strategy is like taking a gamble because you’re giving away something for free and in the end you might get nothing out of it. But this unfortunate scenario didn’t happen to Kristen Amato, a Chicago-based jewelry designer. According to a blog at Fashion Brain Academy, Kristen sent a pair of earrings wrapped in a beautiful package to Lincoln Park store as a gift. The shop appreciated the kind gesture and contact Kristen afterward to negotiate a deal. Well, that is the business. It is all about executing calculated risks. Click this link for the full story.
Contact them directly
If you’re not as brave and bold as Kristen Amato because you’re a little antsy to giveaway a fine piece of jewelry, do this instead. Like a normal vendor of wholesale silver jewellery in the UK, you may do these three steps:
- Email the retailer with your brochure.
- If they don’t reply back, give them a ring and request for a schedule as to when you can visit them to show your product line.
- Once they express their willingness to know your goods, visit the store based on the agreed schedule and bring the best samples of your silver jewellery that you want to wholesale in every store in UK. In addition, bring a “sell sheet” which is according to Inc.com includes:
- Product images (you may also bring an actual sample)
- Pricing information
- Ordering information
- Customer and partner testimonials
- Your contact information
Dress appropriately
Consider selling jewelry as a job interview because you need to impress the vendor not just on how awesome your collection is but how well you conduct yourself. As advised in The Spruce:
If your jewelry style is free flowing and has a bohemian vibe and that is what your wardrobe looks like – you will know that you don’t fit into an uptown, upscale boutique.
The clothes you wear must match the store you’re setting your foot in.
Know the retailer
This is a wise tip from the Mogul Mom and this also saves you time, sweat and money. Why? Would an upscale boutique sell your hip hop jewelry? You get the picture. Do your homework and learn more about the retail store you’re planning to (hopefully) do business with. It would be convenient to take a peek first on their website or do a research online before going to the physical store.
Be an “undercover” customer
Or send someone you trust to do the job. If you’re not confident with the information you’ve got on the retailer’s website, your proxy may look at their pieces in person. This is a way to personally know how professional the store owner is as well. Remember that the retailer is your future client so you must know your customer first.
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